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Spain/Romano on the beach.

Based on this lovely fill from the kink meme, which is by… er, let me know if it’s ok to deanon you, author-anon!

Specifically, this bit: "Something hot begins to uncoil in Romano’s chest, snaking downwards as his pulse quickens and he rides high on his pleasure, resisting the temptation to succumb just yet. He moves one hand down to rest on top of Spain’s, squeezing gently, while the other tangles in the soft curls at the nape of his neck."

I am only slightly ashamed to say that I looked up a Bob Ross video to figure out the (still thoroughly unconvincing) waves. :’)

ETA: Don’t you love those moments when you post something and then realize… wait… where’s Spain’s other arm? D: Fixed now.

De yummy-yaoi - Post original


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